Tuesday 24 May 2011

"Dead cow jeans"

The title of this blog post refers to the (in)apt pseudonym for my jeans (depending on whether you think they look like dead cow print or not...). My bestest friends in sixth form found them a bit OTT but I simply adore them to be honest ^_^

Picked the driest spot so my bum doesn't get wet!

Jacket - vintage Jaeger | Silk shirt - Pied a Terre at House of Fraser | Jeans - Diesel (Cuddy style)
Boat shoes - TK Maxx | Necklace - Accessorize (?) | Belt - Thomas Burberry.

The Boyf, "MW, you look really short in those jeans and shoes. I'm only going to take a half-body shot." >.<

"Ze French Cuff" and boat shoes <3

I have been lusting after Garance Doré's "Ze French Cuff" after spying it on her blog. It's something that needs to be replicated more (but with skinnier jeans and heels rather than skinny jeans and boat shoes)! The red and leopard print pumps with the bike is so so chic.

The shirt is actually quite stiff and so when I tuck it in, it creates a rather unflattering bulge.

Me and my food baby ^_^

Does anyone know how I can de-stiffen just the button-line bit of a shirt? *confused*

MW x

PS. Just an aside - I found a huge spider in my corridor the other day and it was SO SO BIG but not moving so I presumed it was dead. I knocked on my neighbour's door and we discussed for about 10 minutes on how to get rid of it, then decided to leave it to our bedder the next morning.

5 minutes later, I pass the corridor again (to get to the kitchen for some water) and the spider had disappeared.

My desperate plea to fellow housemates.

And because it wasn't moving, I used 'macro' mode on Elmo to get some creepy close-ups.

I'm not normally scared of spiders but this one was actually the granddaddiest of them all!

It created a bit of a stir and I even managed to get a reply to my message from the Housekeeper but the post-it disappeared before I had the chance to photograph it :(


  1. Those jeans are super cool! And OMG, the dead spider! It's huge! I think I'll get a heart attack if I see one in my room! By the way, Persuasion is one of my favorites too and I haven't read it for a while and I'm going to again this summer. I really want to get my hands on Ines's book too but I'll wait until the price gets a bit lower and on sale! xoxoxoo

  2. Love your style, and you have such pretty hair! :)

    And that spider would have freaked me out to no end, uergh!!

    The Cat Hag

  3. So I've learnt that I've been French-cuffing my jeans, but only because my legs are so damn short

  4. I have just realised how your long hair is...woahhh :p
